undergone early castration.
Just what part the individual glands take in the
emotions must at present remain a matter of specu-
lation. Next to the adrenals, one would expect the
thyroid to be the most important. The nervous
manifestations of pathological hyperthyroidism
are so well defined that not infrequently in the re-
actions of functionally nervous patients one recog-
nizes symptoms of an unmistakably hyperthyroidal Suhagra Online
character. Furthermore we know that the adrenals
and thyroid are rather closely and harmoniously
related in their physiological properties. During
sexual emotion it seems evident that all the glands
of internal secretion become Suhagra 50 Mg active. Of these it
is probable that the adrenals, thyroid and pituitary
play the Suhagra For Women most important role, the ovaries apparently
being of minor significance.
With this brief survey of the subject we are
justified in describing functional nervousness as a
continuous state of emotional excitement, sensory
in character, and induced by the reciprocal action,
under stimulation, of the autonomic nervous sys-
tem and certain glands of internal secretion. This
definition is incomplete in that it leaves out of ac-
count the element of causation, and to this we must
now direct our attention.
W'e have already referred to the lessons that
we have learned from the Suhagra Tablets psychoanalysts. To
Freud is due the lasting credit of proving the Cipla Suhagra 100 enor- Suhagra 100 Cipla
mous Buy Suhagra influence on character and behavior of im-
conscious repressions. In attempting, however, Suhagra 100 to
apply his libidinistic theory of causation to the
specific gynecological neuroses we at once meet with
serious obstacles. It is indeed true that the gyneco- Suhagra Cipla
logist encounters numerous sexual neurotics who
are suffering from pelvic disease and in some cases
the pelvic lesion bears some causal relationship to.
the neurosis, but to attribute all female nervousness
to sexual repression is an absurd fiction, requiring
as it does an acceptance of the untenable doctrine
of the extreme Freudians, that the libido in its
literal sense is the basis of all human motivation.
I have in other articles called the attention of
gynecologists to the theories of Alfred Adier and
shown how they may be applied to the subject in
hand. Adler in brief explains the neurotic consti-
tution on the ground of a Generic Suhagra sense of inferiority re-
sulting from organ deficiency. He ably and con-
vincingly deals with the confirmed neurotic whose
constitutional habit has been established at an early
age. The sense of inferiority continues Suhagra In India as an un-
conscious repression in the Freudian sense and may
or may not be of a sexual nature. In an unpub-
lished monograph, in which an attempt is made to
apply Adler's theory to motivation in general, I
have endeavored to show that the perception of in-
feriorit}' is the basic cause of all disquieting emo-
tions such as anger, fear, pain, and other emotions.
It is the exciting force that sets in action the
reciprocal mechanism of the autonomic nervous
system and the glands of internal secretion. This
theory lends itself admirably to the explanation of
the acquired gynecological neuroses. • A pelvic
lesion, such for example as one due to the injuries
of childbirth, constitutes a definite organ inferiority,
and may in a short time produce in the most normal
individual all the symptoms exhibited by the socalled
constitutional neurotic.
It is of the utmost importance that the gyneco-
logist be able to classify his nervous patients with
reference to causation for only in this way can he
avoid making mistakes in treatment especially in
cases that involve the question of a surgical opera-
tion. One Buy Suhagra Online must distinguish the neuroses that Suhagra 100mg have
definitely been acquired as a result of pelvic changes
from the constitutional fixations of childhood, or
from those of a purely psychic character. One
must recognize those cases in which there is a super-
activity of the glands in contradistinction to those
in which there is a glandular deficiency. And above
all it is necessary to detect the cases Cipla Suhagra wherein the
nervous manifestations are due to the circulation of
abnormal secretions like that in hyperthyroidism.
The Cheap Suhagra differential therapy to be Suhagra Price employed in these
various types of cases is of extreme importance,
but does not come within the scope of this paper.
The wise gynecologist will constantly seek the aid
of the neurologist and medical internist, and in
making the critical Suhagra Tablet decisions as to treatment will Suhagra 50
require all his resources of education, in which
psychology and philosophy are assets of unequivocal
In concluding this part of the paper Order Suhagra it may be
remarked that the more one studies the socalled
nervousness of women, the more one is impressed
with the possibility that the purely nervous
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