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streets of that city, of whom only five thousand were registered as under police surveillance, while two thousand five hundred hotels were used for assignation purposes. He has also stated that at one time he found the incidence of infection in the American Expeditionary forces from some generic conjugated estrogens kind of venereal disease about 330 in a thouand, i. e., about one in three ; and that there was no special effort made to lower this rate. Eventually, however, it was reduced to ninety-four in a thousand. In August and September, 1917, the incidence among five thousand British troops in Pairs was two hun- dred in a thousand. The ratio alluded to above by Moore was said to be four times greater than else- where among our men in zones occupied by them, the inference being that special eft'orts were capable of reducing the disease, if proper measures were adopted. (1) Someone was responsible for this wholesale infec- tion. Was there collusion or laxity on the part of the French officials, or our own? In either case *^( Octobtr 30. 1920.] SATTERTHWAITE: INCREASES I.\ TEXEREAL DISEASES. 679 should not the guilt)' be held morally, if not other- \vise, responsible for failure to prevent infections, which must necessarily lead, if they have not premarin tablets already done so, to widespread disease throughout the United States and France. Humanity demands an investigation. Of this there can be no doubt, for public prostitution is capable of being controlled in time of war by military or civil authorities, the first naturally being the more effective. I know this from personal experience in one of the provincial towns of France, where at one time it had assumed the order premarin online proportions of an epidemic. Civil control by local police, with legal punishment, such as prevails in Denmark, is also buy cheap premarin a powerful agency in this re- gard, provided the laws are properly administered. It may not be generally known, but I believe it to be true, from my experience, that French prosti- tutes are likely to be contaminated with aggravated forms of venereal diseases. We have the authority of the New York Medical Journal (2) that vene- real diseases increased greatly during the war, and on the authority of Riddell, (3) there are probably more than half a million syphilitics now in Canada, forty thousand of them being in Toronto. But buy conjugated estrogens online it is generally agreed that the increase in Europe has been more marked than on this side of the water, pointing to the probability that Europe has been largely responsible for the increase over here. This statement is also borne out by Miss Ettie A. Rout (4). According to Miss Rout the British premarin cost military rate in 1917 was twenty-seven in a thou- sand. In 1919 it had risen to eighty in a thousand, while in the present year it is still higher. She also says "probably no European country has less than three or four times the amount of venereal diseases it had in 1913-1914." We come now to one of the special causes of in- fection. generic premarin Writing in the Daily Herald, of London, E. D. Morel (5) has stated that he was premarin online informed by buy premarin letters, personal statements, and other data, which he regarded as premarin price trustworthy, that eighteen months after the armistice, when the French had from thirty to forty thousand of their colored African troops in the Bavarian Palatinate, these men were raping women and girls, so that in this zone their victims filled the hospitals to overflowing, naturally spread- purchase premarin ing syphilis, with which they were to a large extent affected, buy conjugated estrogens right and left. As is known to many of the premarin mg purchase premarin online medical profession, the colored race is contam- inated order premarin with syphilis to a much larger buy premarin online degree than the white race. cheap premarin Recently at Fort Riley, Kansas, the incidence of syphilis among the colored troops was set at about twenty-three per cent, against about thirteen per cent, among the white (6) . Though sta- tistics on this point are not very numerous, the con- sensus of medical opinion is that the general inci- dence among colored people is much greater than among the whites. In this connection the report of Moron (7) throws some light on the matter. He states that syphilis is not taken seriously by the colored people of Mada- gascar, a French protectorate. Indeed, with them syphilis in young girls is regarded as an asset, be- cause brides are then immune against subsequent at- tacks, and their value in the matrimonial market is thereh\' enhanced. Notwithstanding, if Dr. E. J.

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