Loti's Pccheurs d'Islandc and is dedicated to him."
Deep Sea was not Dr. Young's first novel. The
first, called Undergrowth, was written in collabora-
tion with his brother, Eric Brett Young, and pub-
lished in 1913. This was followed by a long critical
study of the poetry of Robert Bridges, poet laureate,
and in 1914 came The Dark Tozv.er, which the author
describes as "an exalted love story following the
lines of the old tale of Pelleas and Melisande, with
the mountain country of the Welsh border for its
setting." He was writing The Iron Age, a story of
the Black Country near Birmingham, when the
World \\"ar broke out, and he finished it abruptly by
packing his hero off to the war and then following
suit himself. Young, having offered his services to
the War Office as soon as they could find a substi-
tute for him hoodia 57 in civil practice, joined the Royal Artil-
lery Medical Corps early in 1915 and spent the first
two years of his service in East Africa. At the end
of that period he had to return because of ill health,
but continued to serve the colors until after the
armistice, ending with the rank of major.
As a result of his experiences in East Africa he
has given us two novels, the first, Marching on
Tonga, and later, The Crescent Moon, perhaps the
author's best known work. It was Marching on
Tonga which brought his name into real prominence
for the first time. "Written under a stress of emo-
tion and exaltation in a rhythmical prose that too
frecjuently breaks into blank verse," says Compton
Mackenzie, "it is a remarkable record of a remark-
able experience, and it already beautifully fills in the
immense library of war buy hoodia online books a space which is as-
suredly a permanent one."
There are two other novels and two volumes of hoodia p 57
poetry from his pen. The novels are The Tragic
Bride and The Young Physician, the latter being ad-
mittedly hoodia buy autobiographical ; the record of a youth's
development, during the last half of which period
the hero is seen at a medical school. Both volumes
of poetry are largely expressions of the author's
emotions in East Africa. They are Poems 1916-
1918 and Five Degrees South. The author describes
Five Degrees South as "a sort of lyrical commen-
tary on Marching on Tonga. The poems were slen-
der, intimate things, written to my wife and one or
two of them published in the London Times and the
New Statesman, but since they have been published
I am always coming upon people who prefer them
to all my other work."
If we are to accept the verdict of the critics, the
fiction of Dr. Francis Brett Young is e.xtraordinary
fiction and the poems are extraordinary poems. Al-
ready his work has given him an international repu-
tation that is growing rapidly. His poetry has met
with universal acclaim. Reviewers have said that
as a poet his work has a distinction and merit that
is rare among the unending flood of jingling rhymes,
blatant nonsense, and mediocre workmanship that is
constantly being poured out. His novels, the critics
say, show steady progress toward a high place in
the literature of the next decade. No less a critic
than Hugh Walpole says of him that "among the
more romantic younger English novelists he is eas-
ily the first." A fine eye for landscape, plenty of
exciting action, unhackneyed scenes and situations
and a finely polished style, these are characteristics cheap hoodia of
Dr. Young's fiction. His output has been heavy,
considering his medical practice, his war service and
his age — he is only thirty-six, order hoodia having been born in
1884, the son of a country doctor, near Birmingham.
More purchase hoodia online than mere byproduct is this heavy output of
literatvire, and it would seem to indicate that before
long, if not already. Dr. Francis Brett Young and
the practice of medicine will part company.
The pathogenesis and etiology of cutaneous pig-
mentation are unquestionably interesting but little
known, and the divers notions we possess are, to say
the least, hypothetical. The appearance of dyschro-
mias appears to be related to external and internal
causes, the former being the best understood. It is
known that any irritation when somewhat intense
and prolonged can give rise to pigmentation of the
skin, but as Darier has pointed out, these fragmen-
tary disturbances have for the most part the charac-
ter of vital reactions against an irritant, and conse-
quently their manifestations and intensity depend
less frequently on the nature of the causal agent purchase hoodia than
on the reactionary tendency of the subject. Among
the irritating causes, physical agents play an impor-
tant part. For example, the production of sunburn is
principally due to light and in particular to the -chem-
ical rays of the spectrum. Heat may be a factor in
some cases and Neisser incriminates the caloric action
of furnaces in cases of syphilitic dyschromia occur-
ring in blacksmiths and bakers. In the same way non-
chemical agents can give rise to pigmentation or at
least can play a secondary part as localizing agents.
Vitiligo and the socalled primary pigmentary syph-
ilide are frequently localized in areas chronically irri-
tated, as has been shown by Thibierge and Finger.
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