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schools, advisory committees, state legislatures and boards, naturally turning to the leading national society for advice and information, must have been astounded at its aridity in this field. My endeavor in this commimication is to make a tardy amend for the neglect of a question generic tenormin which, it would seem, might have excited interest and received careful con- sideration long ago. There are medical schools still undergoing reor- ganization under private control. Legislatures must give this matter thought in organizing the increas- ing number of schools supported by the State, the expense of technical education often making private management impracticable. tenormin tablet It is in the hope of furnishing information for the purchase tenormin online governing bodies of such institutions, and to give aid and support to the teachers who are ambitious *Read before tbe American Gynecological Society. to have their tenormin syrup departments as nearly as possible on an ideal basis, that the following propositions are advanced. In a medical school tenormin iv designed for about four hundred students in a four years' course, the equipment of an obstetrical department which en- titles it to a respectable position must consist of : 1. A hospital of at least one hundred beds, with a buy cheap tenormin clinical amphitheatre; a separate operating room for septic patients and an isolated tenormin 25 mg space for infected women. The apportionment of beds should exceed that for surgery or medicine, for the aver- age instructive capacity of each case in obstetrics is limited tenormin 25mg in the majority of instances to one or two students. 2. An ambulatory dispensary for the preliminary study of patients and for the followup observation and treatment of all patients after discharge from the hospital. Such a dispensary accumulates in time a large service illustrating all the pathological sequellse of parturition, including practically all the diseases of women. It should be equipped with every appliance, including electrical, for treating women, and should have a social seri'ice department attached to it. 3. An outpatient department, with the necessary personnel of nurses, physicians and social service workers. This department buy tenormin online should have a separate ambulatory dispensary. On a basis of about two thousand women cared for in their homes annually an enormous dispensary attendance order tenormin online can be secured of women awaiting delivery and, by a followup system, of women suffering from any of the com- plications or sequellse of the process of generation at any stage. This service is a valuable feeder to the central hospital, to which all patients requiring operative or other hospital treatment are referred. It is evident that such an organization gives the obstetrical department art amount of clinical mate- rial in all the conditions peculiar to women that no other department can rival or even approach. What is more important, every therapeutic measure re- tenormin online quired by women can be shown cheap tenormin to the student ; the tenormin 25 preventive treatment of gynecological affections by the proper management of labor; the relationship of diseases of the pelvic organs to the reproductive function ; the effect of operative measures on sub- sequent childbearing and vice versa. In short, to any intelligent student the necessity is made obvious, of a closely correlated study of all the pathological buy tenormin and physiological phenomena of the female genera- tive organs; the effect of the former on fecundity and reproduction, and cheapest tenormin the causative relationship of parturition to the vast order tenormin majority of women's diseases. Such is the broad view of modern education, contrasting strikingly with the provincial American practice of the past ; an obstetrical department con- cerned only with the delivery of women without regard to their futtire and a misnamed gy-necological department dealing only with a moiety of the tenormin atenolol sub- ject ; busily engaged for the most part in patching up the results of other physicians' bad obstetrics. Such an arrangement was evidently doomed to extinction by modern progress and could no more be revived than we could recall to life purchase tenormin the elder Mr. Weller. The medical pedagogues of America must agree 702 BLAND: tenormin 50mg DISPLACEMENT OF UTERUS. [New York Medical Journal.

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