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amount of oil thus given was one half to two mils. No discomfort or untoward result was experienced by the patients. After such treatment iodine was still found in the veins twenty-one days after the injection. The resulting prolongation of the thera- peutic action accounted for the clinical effects obtained, which were superior to those secured upon administering potassium iodide by the mouth. Treatment of Syphilis of Buy Serevent the Stomach. — G. Le- Buy Cheap Salmeterol ven (Presse Order Salmeterol Online mcdicalc, Order Serevent June 19, 1920) lays stress on the frequency of incidence of gastric syphilis, having encountered many cases in which an appar- ently justifiable diagnosis of cancer of the stomach proved erroneous upon antisyphilitic treatment. X ray examination confirmed the cure from spe- cific treatment in these cases. In syphilis of the stomach mercury should be given not only in in- jections, but also in suppositories and by inunction. Combined administration of iodides or other iodine compounds is likewise indispensable. Treatment of Disorders of the Spinal System by -the Intraspinal Method. — F. J. Farnell {Jour- nal of Nervous and Mental Disease, May, 1920) Buy Serevent Online says that the extradural space containing great amount of Purchase Serevent areolar tissue, which is well vascularized and contains many lymphatics, was utilized for treat- ment of disorders of the spinal system according to this Order Serevent Online method. This was in order to avoid the two usual obstacles in the way of those seeking treatment for spinal disease, i. e., puncture headache and loss Purchase Salmeterol of time from work by keeping to one's bed. Salvar- sanized serum was injected into the e.xtradural space, and removal of spinal fluid thus avoided. Excellent results were obtained, both by avoidance of untoward afterresults and for the improvement of the condition for which the patient sought Generic Serevent treatment. Therapeutic Pneumoconiosis in Pulmonary Tuberculosis. — E. A. Sevilla (Plus-Ultra, Madrid, April-May, 1920) states that a careful investigation of the action of artificial pneumoconiosis in the prevention and treatment of pulmonary tubercu- losis Purchase Serevent Online justifies the following conclusions: 1. The inhalation of insoluble powders tends to promote healing of tuberculous lesions in the lung. 2. This absorption is brought about by an increase in the defensive cells. 3. These powders when combined with an antiseptic constitute a measure of applying antisepsis to the lung tissues. 4. There results a sclerosis of varying degree in the lung, which acts as a protective barrier. 5. Insoluble powders are convenient vehicles for the application to the lung lesions of antibacillary products of varying origin and nature, stich as tuberculins, antiseptic sub- stances, and desiccated sera. 6. This meastire of therapy is capable of exerting a topical action in Generic Salmeterol diverse localized pulmonary affections, such as gangrene and actinomycosis. Opium in Acute Dilatation of the Heart. — Diego. T. R. Davison ( Seinana Medica. June 3, 1920), in reporting a case in a girl of twenty, draws attention to the fact that opium has no depressant action on the heart and that it acts beneficially in these cases of acute dilatation by quieting the accelerator nerves which by their overaction are weakening the myocardium. Rest in bed is essen- tial, of course, for the return of the heart cavities to normal. Digitalis has been found to be of no avail in Purchase Salmeterol Online these cases either during the acute stage or later during the period of recuperation. He Buy Salmeterol Online prefers to build up the heart Buy Salmeterol muscle indirectly with arsenic and the hypophosphites. Treatment of Rheumatism and Gout by Hypo- dermic Injections of Salicylic Acid. — ^I. J. Se- journet {Scutana Medica, June 3, 1920) states that for the past twelve years he has treated articular rheumatism and gout by the subcutaneous injection of a three per cent, solution of salicylate of sodium. However, he found that this procedure was quite painful and he turned to the solution of salicylic acid in a strength of one in one thousand, which he injected under the skin in the neighborhood of the affected joints. Even here he found it necessary in some cases to precede the Buy Cheap Serevent treatment with a local anesthetic. His results were so uniformly good that this has become the method of choice with him. Effect upon Blood Pressure of Adrenalin Injec- tions in Dementia Praecox. — Lawson G. Lowrey {Bosto>i Medical and Surgical Journal. August 12, 1920) says that an analysis of the blood pressure reactions to the injection of adrenalin in seventy- eight psychopathic patients makes it clear that such an injection does not have the value in differential diagnosis which has been claimed Order Salmeterol for it, at least in early cases, since some cases of precox show a rise and others show a fall. In fifty-four out of sixty cases of dementia prsecox there was an in- crease in blood pressure, forty of these showing a rise of more than five mm. Hg. In eighteen cases of other types taken for comparison there was a depressor reaction in four. Convulsive Disturbances Cured by Surgical

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