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nounces an examination for the position of anato- mist in the office of the Surgeon General, Mirtazapine 30 Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C, at $1,600 a year, Generic Remeron plus increase granted by Congress of $20 a month. The duties of the appointee will consist of the preparation of gross and histological material, their reproduction in drawings, photographs, or paintings for illustrative purposes. Those interested .should apply for Form 1312. No applications will be received after December 7th. New York Buy Remeron Neurological Society. — A joint meeting of the New York Neurological Society and the Section in Neurology of the New York Acad- emy of Medicine will be held on Tuesday Mirtazapine 15 evening, November 9th. Dr. Hyman Climenko will present a case of Nanism and Dr. A. L. Soresi a case of Psy- chosis following Surgical Operation. Dr. Joseph Byrne will read a paper on Pupil Dilatation and the Sensory Pathways, illustrated with lantern slides. Dr. Samuel Brock will present a study in motor aphasia of the Cortical or Jilixed Type, with report of a case, and Dr. Karl Winfield Ney will describe tlie Buy Remeron Online operation and findings in the case. Improvements at Glen Ridge Sanatorium. — The Board of Supervisors of Schenectady, N. Y., has voted $50,000 for repairs and improvements to be made at Glen Ridge Tuberculosis Sanatori- um. In addition to extensive repairs, a new pa- vilion is to be created, a cooling system installed, and the present administration building enlarged. Christmas Seal Campaign. — Active prepara- tions are being made for this season's Christmas seal campaign to raise funds for antituberculosis work, which will open on December 1st. New York State's quota this year will be $582,000. Last year Purchase Remeron Online a total of $375,000 was raised in New York State, outside of New York city, for the work of Mirtazapine Mg national, State and local tuberculosis organizations. Wisconsin Cancer Committee. Buy Cheap RemeronRemeron Cost The State Medical Society of Wisconsin recently appointed a committee for the study of cancer, with the follow- ing membership: Dr. J. P. McMahon, of Milwau- kee, chairman ; Dr. Edward Evans, of La Crosse ; Dr. W. A. Ground, of Superior; Dr. C. H. 15 Mg Mirtazapine Bunt- ing, of Madison, and Dr. W. K. Grey, of Milwau- kee. Menorah Hospital. — Nearly $25,000 was con- tributed at a dinner held at the Hotel Bossert on October 17 to the building fund of the new Menorah Hospital at Coney Island. The new institution will be nonsectarian, and will receive both acute and chronic cases. For the purchase and equip- ment of Remeron Price the hospital $400,000 is required. Sanitary Survey of Interstate Park. — At the request of the Public Health Council a sanitary survey is being made of the Palisades Interstate Park. This park consists of about 36,000 acres and is situated between the palisades along the Hudson River and the Raniapo Mountains, partly in New Jersey and partly in New York. About sixty camps are maintained throughout the park and this survey includes detailed studies Remeron Online and inspec- tions of the water Remeron Mg supply and sewage disposal. Remeron Tablets American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology. — At the twenty-fifth annual meeting of this organization, held in Kansas City, Mo., on October 15th, the following officers were elected : President, Dr. Emil Mayer, of New York ; first vice-president. Dr. John R. Newcomb, of Indianapolis ; second vice-president. Dr. Robert Ridpath, of Philadelphia ; third vice-president. Dr. W. C. Finnoff, of Denver; treasurer. Dr. Secord H. Lodge, of Cleveland; secretary. Dr. Luther C. Peter, of Philadelphia ; editor of Transactions^ Dr. Clarence Loeb, of Chicago. Mirtazapine 15 Mg Next year's meet- ing will be held in Philadelphia. Philadelphia Medical Club Nominations. — At a recent meeting of the Medical Club of Phila- delphia the Order Remeron Online following officers were nominated for the coming year : President, Dr. Barton Cooke Order Remeron Hirst; first vice-president, Dr. Hobart A. Hare; second vice-president, Dr. Alexander Mac.Alister ; secretary. Dr. William S. Wray ; treasurer. Dr. George A. Purchase Remeron Knowles and Dr. Lewis H. Adler, Jr.; governor. Dr. G. Orm Ring and Dr. Walter L. Pyle; additional directors, Dr. John A. Sherger,. Dr. B. Frank Wentz, Dr. Wilmer Krusen. Dr. Howard A. Sutton, Dr. S. MacCuen Smith, Dr. Thomas R. Neilson. •Octob r }0, 1920.] Cheap Remeron NEIVS ITEMS. 687

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