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three. Urological Diagnosis in the Practice of the Gen- eral Surgeon. — Dr. Leo Buerger stated that mod- ern urological investigation with highly developed urological instruments and practice in their use made available to the urologist many special proce- dures not ordinarily employed by the genera! sur- geon. The general surgeon could cooperate with the urologist to his own advantage and to that of his patient. There was great need for educating young men in the field of urological diagnosis, for here many mistakes were made. For instance, cal- culus of the ureter might give symptoms simulat- Lipitor Online ing intestinal obstruction and even peritonitis, and operation might be performed when it would have been possible to remove the calculus through the urinary tract. Urinary calculus in the lumbar re- gion Lipitor 20mg might be taken for retrocecal appendicitis. When there were signs of urinary retention, calcu- lus should be suspected. In Lipitor Purchase some cases of supposed Online Lipitor subacute or chronic appendicitis vaginal examina- tion revealed the presence of Lipitor Buy ureteral calculus low down. Tuberculous nodules in the ureter might be mistaken for calculi. Ovarian disorders had been diagnosed in cases in which a cystoscopic examina- tion would have revealed intraureteral debris. The indications for and method of employing the reten- tion catheter were discussed and lantern slide dem- onstration showed what the urologist could discover by means of Buy Cheap Lipitor the shadow graf catheter, the pyelo- graph, Lipitor Order which though its Cheap Lipitor Online use was restricted, was im- portant in certain cases ; the baby cystoscope, which had aided in the diagnosis and Lipitor Mg treatment of pyelitis in children ; the Buerger opera cystoscope, which carried a scissors-like instrument which made Purchase Lipitor pos- sible certain operative procedures on the bladder, and the direct, indirect and retrograde cystoscopes. 652 rKOCEHDIXGS OF NATIONAL AND LOCAL SOCIETIES. Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatment Cheap Lipitor of the Prostate and Seminal Vesicles in Arthritis. — Dr. Oswald S. Lovvslev, uf New York, stated that the teeth, tonsils, sinuses, Buy Lipitor Cheap and various other focal infections had received attention in their relation to arthritis and he wished to call attention to the part played by the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles in the production of this condition. His observations were based on Order Lipitor Online a study of 100 cases of arthritis in the urological department of Bellevue Hospital. The ages of these patients ranged from seventeen to fifty-one years, the average being twenty-nine and one third. The Purchase Lipitor Online season of the year did not seem to Order Lipitor make any diiTerence except Lipitor Buy Online that there w-ere not quite so many cases during the sum- mer months. The joints affected, in the order of frequency, were the knee Buy Lipitor in fifty-three, the ankle in forty-four, the wrist in thirty, and the foot in twenty-six. The infection was traced to the teeth in thirty-one cases and to the tonsils in ten. Twenty- three per cent, of the patients denied having had gonorrhea. The impression that infection arising from the prostate and seminal vesicles was usually gonorrheal was incorrect. An analysis of these cases showed other organisms predominating in this locality such as the Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus viridans, and other forms of strepto- cocci. In three of the cases brilliant results were obtained with vaccines. In a number of cases treat- ment by steaming was very satisfactory. Ten cases were treated surgically with good result. Where there was chronic seminal vesiculitis, sem- inal vesiculectomy was preferable to vesiculotomy. Of fifty cases of polyarthritis in which infection from other sources was eliminated, examination of the prostate and seminal vesicles showed these to be the source of the infetion. In searching for the source of infection in any case of arthritis the pros- tate and seminal vesicles should not be overlooked. Autonomous vaccines were extremely valuable in same cases used in conjunction with other methods of treatment. The Role of the Colon Bacillus in Infections of the Kidney. — Dr. Hugh Cabot, of Ann Arbor, Mich., said that, excluding tuberculosis, the colon bacillus was found to be the infecting organism in a large proportion of kidney infections. The num- ber of these infections did not seem to be decreas- ing. The most common and perhaps the most im- portant kidney lesion was pyelitis. Of this condi- tion there were two groups of cases: In the first there was no demonstrable reason for the infection in the urinary tract, while the second group was dependent upon urinary outflow. The second class presented the least difficulty. These cases were de- pendent upon stricture, stotie in the bladder, or other obstruction to the urinary outflow in the urinary tract itself. Such obstruction, however, was not the only factor, but was merely instrumental in pre- paring for infection. He did Lipitor Cheap not believe instru- mentation of the urinary tract was frequently the cause of infection. Where there was residual urine

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