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PROCEEDINGS OP NATIONAL AND LOCAL SOCIETIES. 651 Lutein Cysts Accompanying Lioresal Price Hydatiform Mole. — Dr. W. A. Coventry, of Duluth, Lioresal 25mg Minn., said that tlie cases which he reported presented several Lioresal Intrathecal verv interesting features: 1. The appearance of the ovarian tvnnors in one case appeared with the mole (in fact, clouding somewhat the history of mole), and in the other case seemed to arise and start to grow rapidly after the mole had been removed. 2. The gross and microscopical appearances of these cysts were in marked contrast to those of the ordi- nary type of ovarian cyst. 3. These Buy Cheap Lioresal multiple lutein cysts were beyond a doubt different from those nor- mally appearing during pregnancy. 4. These lutein cysts undoubtedly accompanied only the formation of chorioepithelioma and mole and were probably not to be found Buy Lioresal in any associated Buy Baclofen condition. There were many references in the literature to the oc- currence of cysts of the ovaries accompanying preg- nanc}^ mole or chorioma, but he was sure that many of these references were only to small cysts, which disappeared spontaneously after expulsion of the mole or the fetus. As regards prognosis and treatment, Eden and Lockyear asserted that some of these cysts receded following the expulsion of the mole, and some such cases had been recorded by Russell, Andrews and Albert, but this literature was not available. Order Lioresal Online Findley stated that occasionally cystic ovaries became greatly reduced in size following deliver^' of the mole, and Purchase Lioresal Online reported in the fifty-eight cases col- lected by him that in only four was there any retro- gressive change following the expulsion of the mole. Still, he did not specifically state that these were large lutein cysts such as described in this condition. In view of the fact that the Order Lioresal literature in the large majority of Buy Cheap Baclofen cases connected this condition with the presence of chorioepithelioma, and also in view of Buy Lioresal Online the fact that the condition was undoubtedly a retro- grade metamorphosis from the normal cystic con- ditions found in the ovary, he believed that we were perfectly justified in not waiting for the recession of these tumors Lioresal 10 Mg but that we should operate and re- move them when found. MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW Lioresal Online YORK. One Hundred and Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Held in New York, March 23 to 25, 1920 The President. Dr. Claude C. Lytle, of Geneva, in the Chair. {Continued from page 344.) The Abduction Treatment of Fracture of the Neck of the Femur. — Dr. Royal Whitm.\n, of New York, stated that he had presented this method before but that the results obtained by it had been so highly satisfactory that there was no reason for abandoning it. For the restoration of function it was essential that deformity be reduced and that the fractured surfaces be fixed in contact. Contact could be assured only by adapting the out- ward fracture to the inward. To accomplish this the patient must be anesthetized, and the shorten- ing was then reduced by direct traction. The thigh, having been lifted to the proper plane, was abducted to the normal limit, and abduction was effected with the perineum against a perineal support. .Ab- duction turned the fractured surface down to meet the head of the femur ; it made the capsule tense and aligned fragments ; it relaxed muscles whose contraction tended to displace the fragments ; it apposed the trochanter to Buy Baclofen Online the side of the pelvis, or, if the fracture was near the head, engaged the neck Cheap Lioresal beneath the rim of the acetabulum and provided a mechanical check to displacement. What was known as impacted fracture was usually a complete fracture. After reduction the body and limb were covered with sheet wadding and cotton flannel bandages, all bony points being carefully protected, and a long plaster spica support Purchase Lioresal was applied. With the fracture thus dressed the patient could be turned Lioresal Tablets completely over on the abdomen, avoiding bed sores and also the danger of hypostatic pneu- monia. The head of the bed was elevated at Generic Lioresal an angle of twenty-five degrees, providing a semi- reclining position which favored the nutrition of the injured parts. The neck of the femur in young, vigorous persons might be broken by slight violence Lioresal Mg and the fracture might not cause complete disabil- ity. The bad prognosis usually given for fractures of the femur was not warranted, and was largely due to incorrect technic. He had treated many elderly persons by the abduction method with grati- fying results. His oldest patient was a woman eighty-nine years of age who lived to be ninety-

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