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N. \u ews Items American Dietetic Purchase Imigran Association. — -This organi- zation will meet in annual session in New York October 25th to 27th. with headquarters at the Hotel McAlpin. Mississippi Valley Medical Association. — This organization will meet in annual session in Chicago. October 26th, 27th and 28th. under Imigran Tablets the presidency of Dr. Frank B. W'ynn, of Indianapolis, Ind. Harvey Lecture. — The second Buy Imigran Harvey Society Lecture will be given at the New York Academy of Medicine. Saturday evening, October 30th, by Professor Jules Bordet. director of the Pasteur In- stitute of Brussels. His subject will be Coagulation of the Blood. Coroner's Physician for Monroe County. — The Civil Service Commission announces an examination Purchase Imigran Online for Imigran Cost the position of coroner's physician for Monroe County. X. Y. Candidates must be licensed physi- cians and a residence of three months in the Imigran Mg county is required : salary S200 a year. Cutter Lectures on Preventive Medicine. Order Imigran — Dr. Theobald Smith, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, delivered the Cutter Lectures on Preventive Medicine at the Harvard Medical Imigran Online School on October 19th and 20th. his subject being Medical Research and the Conservation of Food Producing Animals. 642 NEWS ITEMS. [New Yo Medical Jov Yellow Fever in Mexico. — Quarantine meas- ures against Tanipico, Alexico, on account of yellow fever, were ordered Buy Imigran Online Imigran Price on September Generic Imigran 27th, to be en- forced at Gulf and South Atlantic ports of the United States. During the four weeks from July 19lh to September 18th, fifty-two cases were re^ ported in \'era Cruz, with twenty-eight deaths, and on September 26th Dr. Hedrick, of the United Slates Public Health Service, died from the disease. In Tuxpan, during the month of September, there were twcnly-one deaths. American Association of Railway Surgeons. — At the seventeenth annual meeting of this society, held in Chicago, October 6th to 8th, Dr. Clarence \\'. Hopkins, of Chicago, was elected president and other officers were elected as follows ; First vice president. Dr. Edwin B. Shaw, of Las Vegas, N. M. : second vice president. Dr. Joseph B. Wharton, of Eldorado, Ark. ; third vice president. Dr. George W. Pirtle, of Carlisle, Ind. ; treasurer. Dr. Henry B. Jennings, of Council Bluffs, la. (reelected) ; sec- retary. De Louis J. Mitchell, of Chicago (reelected). Assistant Medical Officer Wanted at the Port of New York. — The Civil Service Commission of the State of Xew York announces an examination on October 30th for the position of assistant medical ofificer, office of Health Officer, Port of New York ; salary $1800. Candidates must be licensed phy- sicians. The appointee must reside at City Island ■ and give part of his time to the inspection of vessels from foreign ports and the examination of pas- sengers and crews for the detection of quarantinable diseases, such as cholera, plague, typhus fever, yel- . low fever, smallpox, and leprosy. Pharmacologist in the Bureau of Internal Rev- enue. — The United States Civil Service Commis- sion announces an examination for pharmacologist to fill a vacancy in the Order Imigran Online Bureau of Internal Revenue, Treasury Department: salary $2,500 to $3,000 a year. Applicants must have an M. D. degree from an institution of recognized standing, and at least an A. B. or a B. S. degree from a college or uni- versity of recognized standing, and have had at least two years' postgraduate experience in experimental pharmacology or physiology, such experience to have included study of the physiological action of drugs. Additional credit will be given to applicants who show that they have a reading knowledge of French and Buy Cheap Imigran German.

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