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advantage was taken. Welch's bacillus was found to be the predominant microbe Order Griseofulvin Online implicated. The first work of Griseofulvin Online the French investigation began in May and June, 1913, and was based on the following jirinciple, i. e.. that the best criterion Grifulvin V Micr of a patho- genic species is constituted by its ability to repro- duce the malady experimentally. It was found that Welch's bacillus coidd reproduce the local le- sions of the gangrene, but it could not be made to produce a potent toxin. The investigators therefore thought that an ex- amination should be made to determine whether there were not in the gangrenous tissues other path- ogenic germs which comply better with the experi- mental criterion. In the majority of cases investiga- tions in this direction gave an affirmative answer. They found either the Vibrion septique or a new l>acillus which was later to receive the name of Bacillus bellonensis. In short, it was made clear that gas gangrene was associated with three species of organisms, Welch's bacillus, Vibrion septique and Bacilkis bellonensis and the Inter-Allied Surgical Conference, which met at Paris, came to the same conclusion. The results of the analysis of 121 cases under the French investigators' personal supervision were : Welch's bacillus, eighty-two per cent. ; tj'pical Vi- brion septique, twenty-eight per cent. ; nontypical Vibrion septique, eleven per cent. ; Bacillus bellon- ensis, thirty-five per cent. The germs were often associated in pairs. An analytical study of the Bacil- lus Grifulvin V bellonensis showed that it is a highly pathogenic, very toxic species, capable of reproducing perfect gas gangrene experimentally. As for specific treat- Buy Grifulvin V ment, a knowledge of the causative gerins, suggested the application of a specific serotherapy either against all three germs or against the germ involved in each particular Buy Grifulvin Online case. The carrying out of this conception resulted in the preparation of three serums. The really great difficulty was to know which serum was to be used in each case. In most of the cases it was decided to inject all three simul- taneously, although this was evidently only a make- shift procedure. Even so this method has given de- cided Purchase Griseofulvin results. However, in the last months of the war a means of rapid pathogenic diagnosis Was dis- covered, so that treatment can now be applied promptly on the right lines. Buy Cheap Griseofulvin Of Buy Griseofulvin course, from the preventive viewpoint this method of treatment is still more powerful, as Sacquepee points out, as it reduces the cases of gas gangrene to a small number of those wounds which are most exposed to it. French in- vestigators clearly defined the pathogeny of gas gan- grene and have employed serotherapy, curative, re- medial, and preventive, with the happiest results, a really notable achievement. PHVSICIAX-AUTHORS: DR. FR.ANCIS BRETT YOUNG. Dr. Francis Brett Young, the English poet and ncivelist, admits that when his father sent him to the University of Grifulvin V 500 Birmingham to study medicine he rebelled, for he was already afflicted with that seeminglv incurable disease, cacocthes scribcndi. "But I know now," lie declares, "that Where To Buy Griseofulvin there is nothing in the world that so fits a man of letters to wrestle with the itiind of a man as an intimate ac- quaintance with his body. Literally and figuratively the doctor sees thousands of men and women naked ; he sees the spring of curious motives, he shares strange secrets. A man or a woman Order Griseofulvin will tell lies or feign emotions to the pastor or the lawyer ; with the physicians they know that only the truth Buy Griseofulvin Online will help them. There is no education in humanity Purchase Griseofulvin Online that compares with the doctor's life; and indeed, Griseofulvin Buy the names of great literary artists confirm this." Unless he has given it up quite recently. Dr. Young is still practising medicine while at the same time writing novels. He took his degree in 1906 and immediately set out to see the world as a ship's surgeon, an Generic Griseofulvin easy berth which gave him plenty of leisure to gather impressions and put them on paper. In this capacity he saw the whole of the East, from Egypt to Korea and Japan and and then settled 640 EDITORIAL ARTICLES. [New York EDicAL Journal. down in medical practice at Brixhani, a fishing vil- lage in the south of Devon. "My patients at Brix- Buy Grifulvin hani," he says, "were nearly all fishing people, speak- ing a racy dialect. Their life is the subject of the novel, Deep Sea, which distantly resembles Pierre

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