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much more accentuated Glycomet 500 Sr at Glycomet Sr night when the child is lying down. It is not uncommon to find a tempera- ture of 102° to 104° F. lasting for several days. Generally it lasts for five or six days, sometiines a fortnight or even a month. Even when long con- tinued the Buy Metformin Online child is likely to retain its appetite and eat as usual. An examination of the throat will enlighten the diagnosis. The pharynx and tonsils are bright red and if the velum is pushed up a Glycomet Gp1 transverse line of accumulated mucus will be perceived at the upper part of the cavum. This band of mucus varies in thickness and has a mucopurulent look. If the finger explores the parts adenoid growths will be de- tected immediately. The long duration of the process in some cases, the temperature and the difficulty in feeding may result in a certain degree of emacia- tion and change in the general health. On the other Glycomet 850 hand, complications of various kinds may arise such as bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, otitis, asthma, and laryngitis stridulosa. Two types of the process deserve mention ; a dry form with paroxysmal coughing, without secretion, and a catarrhal form with secretions and rise in tem- perature but without cough. The diagnosis is easy if the physician will only recall that acute adenoiditis is relatively common in young subjects, especially when the patient offers the characteristic facies of adenoid growths, Glycomet Gp2 and in infants when they sleep with open mouth and snore. Auscultation will immediately eliminate bron- chitis or bronchopneumonia. In simple acute trache- itis there are no nasopharyngeal symptoms, while tracheobronchial adenopathy can be also eliminated by the absence of Glycomet 1gm presternal or interscapular dull- ness or subdullness. In whooping cough the par- oxysms of cough are not so frequent, the affection is apyretic uriless complications arise, and viscous mu- cus will be discharged with the coughing. Adenoid- itis is prone to frequent recurrences and removal of the Glycomet Tablet growths should be undertaken as soon as the inflammatory phenomena have subsided. In the in- fant, the treatment consists Buy Metformin in disinfection of the cavum ]jy morning and evening instillation of thirty centigrams of resorcin in twelve cubic centigrams of sterilized oil. In older children gomenol oil or solu- tions of protargol or collargol may be used, as well as irrigations with tepid water for removal of the secretions. The bromide salts are useless for con- trolling the Glycomet Sr 500 cough and urethane is used in the daily dose of from twenty-five to fifty centigrams after the age of one year. FRENCH RESEARCH ON GAS GANGRENE. When gas gangrene appeared among the troops on the Western Front little was known Glycomet 500 Mg of this seri- ous complication of wounds. The condition had almost disappeared from peace time practice and the present medical generation had practically for- Glycomet 850 Mg gotten it. French medical men determined to learn all that was possible concerning it, so as to be able to treat it effectively. According to Dr. E. Sacquepee. professor at the Val-de-Grace, Paris, writing in the October 2i, 1920.] EDITORIAL ARTICLES. 639 French Supplement of the Lancet, September 18, l'^)20, these efforts have been directed above all to elucidate the pathogeny of the accidents. The com- Iilication Glycomet Gp 2 was of an infectious nature and Glycomet 500 it was necessary to find out the species of microbe respon- sible for it. Before the Glycomet Price war knowledge of the pathogeny was as follows : Pasteur following Davaine in his study of experimental septicemia Glycomet Tablets showed that the infec- tion was due to the Vibrion septique. Chauveau and Arloing then demonstrated that this same germ also existed in gas gangrene Glycomet 500mg in human beings. Clinical researdies into the question then became difficult in France, since the first effect of the application of Pasteur's principles to surgery was to render gas gangrene extremely rare. On the other hand in foreign countries, especially in (iermany and America, the study of certain new facts was pos- sible. Welch and Fraenkel, and following them a number of other observers, charge Welch's bacillus, the Bacillus perfringens of French writers, with be- ing the main cause Glycomet 250 of the condition. According to these authorities the Vibrion septique seems entirely eliminated Glycomet Gp as far as its influence goes. The war gave opportunities for further investi- gations under favorable circumstances of which full

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