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a livelihood for Floxin Otic Suspension any prolonged period without fre- quent relapse and ultimate permanent breakdown is by being placed in such special conditions and Floxin Eye Drops surroundings as will afford them shelter from the full stress of competitive industry by enabling them to live in a village settlement or an industrial colony established on Floxin Antibiotics lines specially designed for these purposes. It is essential to remember in this connection that the working capacity of the tuber- culous person in whom the disease has developed to any appreciable extent is seriously impaired, per- haps permanently. The Ministry is accordingly in communication with the Treasury on the whole question of village settlements and other kindred arrangements under which the tuberculous Floxin Price patient would, after training, be able to be employed under specially sheltered and Floxin Ear Drops favorable conditions. A considerable part of the report of the Minis- try Floxin Online of Health is taken up with a Generic Floxin consideration and discussion of the venereal problem and in giving an accoun.t of the means taken by the ^Ministry for preventing and treating the disease. During the year 1919 the total number of patients dealt with for venereal disease for the first time amounted to over 98,000: of this total 15,500 had been proved on examination not to be suffering from venereal disease, a figure which seems to indicate that per- sons who are apprehensive that they may have con- tracted venereal disease are willing to avail themselves of Buy Floxin Online the facilities provided for diagnosis and treatment. The attendance at the treatment centres during 1919 amounted to 1,003.000. as com- pared with 485.000 in 1918. The number of treat- ment centres open on December 31, 1918, was 134 as compared with 160 on December 31, 1919, but the increase in the facilities available was much greater than is indicated by these figures owing to a considerable increase in the number of clinics lield each week. The work of the National Council for Combating \'enereal Disease is favorably com- mented upon and it was agreed that a publicity cam- paign should be conducted by the agency of this body. The Na,tional Council submitted a program of special propaganda and publicitv work estimated to cost i30.000 ($150,000). The estimate was carefully scrutinized by the Ministry, and the sanc- tion of the Treasury was obtained to a grant of not exceeding £20,000 ($100,000) in respect of press advertisements, propaganda by cinema films, slides, and exhibits, by pamphlets, posters, and other lit- Aqua Floxin erature and in respect of special propaganda in backward areas. During the year ended ^larch 31, 1920, the Ministry paid grants in aid of vene- real disease schemes amounting to i224,716 ($1,- 123,580). With regard to maternity homes and hospitals, the report Floxin Otic Drops states that Purchase Floxin Online institutional accommodation for confinements has in the past been provided in general maternity hospitals supported by voluntarv subscriptions and in lying-in wards in infirmaries and workhouses provided by Boards of Guardians. The number of beds for maternity cases in general hospitals is difficult to estimate approximately, since in many instances no special accommodation is re- Order Floxin Online served for such cases. They are chiefly for com- plications of confinement, but a certain number of normal cases are also taken in hospitals which train medical students and pupil midwives. The number of maternity Floxin Otic Ear Drops hospitals, according to the hospital return of 1915 issued by the Local Government Board, was Floxin Tablets eighteen, with about 560 beds. Near- ly all Boards of Guardians Floxin Ophthalmic have some institutional provision for maternity, either in the wards of the workhouse or in a separate infirmary. The Town 636 l.OXDON LETTER. [New York Medical Journ: Council of Bradford was the first local authority to establish a municipal maternity hospital. This was in 1915, and since that date forty-five matern- ity Order Floxin houses and hospitals have been started, Purchase Floxin the ma- jority by local authorities and the remainder by voluntary bodies working in cooperation with local authorities carrying out maternity and child wel- fare schemes. The accommodation which is pro- vided in adapted houses comprises altogether about 500 beds. Apart from this, 300 beds for confine- ments exist in homes for unmarried mothers and their babies, although the general rule in these in- -stitutions is for the women to go to a lying-in hospital for her confinement, returning to Buy Cheap Floxin the home afterwards. The policy of the A'linistry has been to encourage local authorities as much as Cipro Floxin possible to provide accommodation for maternity cases.

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