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tions. Loeper never found any glairs or blood in the intestinal discharge, and only occasional!}' a slight mucorrhea. The stools were invariably very liquid, somewhat frothy, brown, yellow or green in color, but always becoming green when exposed to the air. Therefore, these are bilious stools, similar to polycholic stools accompanying certain hepatic morbid processes or such as occur during certain thermal cures, for example Chatel- Guyon, Grande-Grille or Vihel. For that matter, it is not uncommon to observe a mild icterus and a bil- ious tint of the urine on the next flomax generic day. Besides, the blood often contains a rather high content of urea which may reach forty to flomax 0.4 mg fifty centigrams to the litre of serum. The serum is distinctly yellower than normal, while the cholemia is higher than ordi- nary cholemia, and flomax price these data stifiice to prove, as the clinical examination predicted, the part played by the liver in the various morbid manifestations. Desirous of more precisel}' establishing the he- patic flomax cost origin of certain forms of malarial diarrhea, Loeper generic for flomax carried out a more complete and close ex- amination of the stools and hepatic functions. The examination first of all dealt with the chemical com- position of the stools, their tenor flomax cr in bile and pig- ment. After this attention was given to the liver in relation to its functions. Research for biliary pig- ment in the stools was positive, Schmidt's technic with a three per cent, to five per cent, mercurous chloride solution caused the characteristic green hue. Cholesterin was also detected and occasionally even the biliary salts. Carbohydrate and muscular debris were noted and merel}" indicate a flomax in women rapid transit through the intestine. There was no albumin un- doubtedly because no blood or serosity of inflam- matory origin was present in the stools. On the other hand, search for amylolytic ferments, accord- ing to the technic of Ambard, Binet and Stodel, often placed a large proportion of amylolysis flomax online in evi- dence, a fact which would tend to prove that the pancreas, like the liver, is the flomax women seat of an abnormal functional excitation and flomax for women of an exaggerated secre- tion. Exploration of the liver may be carried out by several methods, cost of flomax the one most frequently employed being alimentary glycosuria and the study alternative to flomax of the nitrogen coefficient. In respect to the disturbances so far considered and whose principal character is their extreme suddenness and fleeting flomax 0.4 nature, it is evident that the test of alimentary glycosuria can only be utilized with difficulty. Tlie same may be said of alimentary glycemia, which Beaudoin has tried to substitute for glycosuria in many cases. On the contrary, the nitrogen coefficient can be quickly flomax tamsulosin established by an examination of the urine at the onset of the attack and during the phase of full development. It unquestionably gives interesting results, since it permits one to note from the pre- monitory phase a very high content — from ninety- three to ninety-six centigrams, and in the later phase, especially the terminal, the rather low read- ings of eighty and seventy-six, which in the first instance show an excitation of the organ, in the lat- ter an inhibition. Another still more certain proof of this hepatic excitation can be found by the study of adrenalinic glycemia. It is a well known fact that an increase of sugar in the blood is a result of an injection of adrenalin. This increase, according to Loeper 's researches, is constant and invariably about equal in a healthy individual, submitted to a similar diet. As an echo, there is glycosuria, but glycosuria is less constant price of flomax than glycemia. The rise of the glyce- mia is due to exaggeration of the generic of flomax amylolytic power of the liver and as both \'erpy and Loeper have sur- mised, many data can be obtained from its patho- logical variations relating to this very important function of the gland. Loeper employs the follow- ing technic : The patient should be flomax alternative fasting and in identical ♦ornier alimentary condition (one litre of milk, mashed potatoes and macaroni). An injection of one milligram of adrenalin is given in the thigh and both before and after the injection a sample of blood is taken and by Bertrand's invariable procedure, the sugar is estimated in the state of glucose. In nor- mal conditions the glycemia increases very quickly and the asceiading curve returns to the normal after the lapse of about three hours. The most constant figure is that of the first hour and it is for this reason that Loeper has taken the sample of blood at the end of the hour. In a normal subject the increase of the glycemia attains from forty to fifty centigrams with a most curious flomax prices regularity. In affections of the liver it is quite variable, much lower than forty centigrams in some, much over forty in 634 CUMSTON: INTESTINAL SYMPTOMS what is flomax IN MALARIA.

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