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chinery of forty-eight states and over four thousand local health jurisdictions. (There are about 3.000 counties and about 1,300 cities combivent nebulizer with a population of 5,000 and over). combivent inhaler At the conference of state and territorial health authorities with the Public Health Service, I intend to discuss the subject of federal health organization and present for discussion by that conference a definite plan which would lead to concerted action of a constructive character. 612 GRAXET: REJ C I 'EXA T!OX. [New York edical journ.^ EUGEK STEIXACH'S WORK OX REJUVENATION. By a., M. D., New York, Instructor in Medicine, Columbia University. While the lay press is heralding in its usually sensational manner the demonstration of the methods of transplantation of sex glands, I thought it would be interesting for the medical profession to get acquainted with the fascinating and buy combivent inhaler farreaching results of the elaborate experimental work in cheap combivent this field by Professor Eugen Steinach of Vienna. His researches date back many years. In 1912 he sub- mitted for safekeeping to the Scientific Academy of \'ienna the manuscript and protocols of his prelim- inary work on the subject in order to establish pri- ority and to continue further research work. In 1913, at combivent dosage the International Congress buy combivent combivent inhaler coupon of Biology in Vienna he demonstrated experimentally artificial sex mutation in young female or male animals by transplantation of the opposite secretory gland (Piibcrtdtsdriise). His last combivent neb and complete publica- tion bears the combivent cost title: Verjiingung durch cxpcrimcn- tclle Ncitbclcbung dcr altcntdc Pubertatsdriisc (re- juvenation through experimental regeneration of the aging interstitial gonadal gland), and was recently dedicated to Professor Wilhelm Roux of combivent inhalers Halle on the latter's seventieth anniversary, combivent inhaler coupons and first pub- lished in Roux's Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmcclianic, Vol. 46, 1920, and later edited in book form by Julius Springer, Berlin, 1920. The outstanding features of his work are : 1 . The conception and anatomicophysiological defi- nition of the puberty gland {Pubcrtdtsdriise) as the internal secretory portion of the gonads. This con- sists of the interstitial cells in the male and of the lutein cells in the female. 2. He combivent coupon observed in animals with protracted rutting periods alternating stages of overdevelopment of the interstitial gland and the generative gland proper ; this periodical and alternating overdevelopment oc- curs in the evolution of every individual, the inter- stitial gland predominating in infancy, combivent dose attaining its maximum development at puberty and adolescence when the general growth and vital energy of the combivent mdi organism is also at its maximum. combivent inhaler price At this time the generative gland buy combivent online increases in power and both the interstitial and combivent coupons generative portions continue to be equally active or nearly so until climacterium sets in, after which the recession of the interstitial gland progresses rapidly and brings about all characteristics of senility. He contends that Senility is not due to an ultimate using up of all organs, but to the lack of potential stimulus due to the degeneration of the interstitial gland. 3. The possibility of inducing experimentally the regeneration of the interstitial gland even after senile degeneration has taken place and all the characteristic marks of senility have appeared, in animals as well as in man. This he obtains combivent price by making use of the oscillating balance of nature in the mixed gland, by artificially inhibiting the generative portion and thereby causing a comjiensatory regeneration and revival of the interstitial portion, with all its rejuv- enating etTects, and the recession and disappearance of the characteristics of senility. 4. The means to accomplish this are : a. The simple ligation under local anesthesia of the vas deferens. This causes a regression of the gen- erative gland combivent udv and a compensatory regenera- tion of the interstitial portion {Pubcrtdtsdriise). A one sided operation is sufficient in all cases and has the advantage of preserving in addition the power of procreation. For obvious reasons the

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