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health. For example, one third of the patients are tuberculous, one third neuropsyxhiatric, and taking care of the tuberculous and psychiatric among nearly five millions of our population will meet two of the nation's important health problems. Furthermore, it is hoped that many of the hospitals will become centres for the development of better means for the cure and prevention of disease. That group Clomipramine 50 Mg of communicable diseases known as the venereal diseases has Anafranil Clomipramine for centuries been an un- solved problem, the grave importance of which has been brought to the attention of the general public as a result of our entrance into the war. He is in- deed an optimist who imagines that this very Clomipramine Buy serious problem has been overcome or even that the com- plete solution of it has been found, but I am con- vinced that it is to be best found in teaching the dangers of the diseases and in religious, moral and ethical training, rather than in coercive legislation alone, though proper legislation and its enforce- ment are necessary adjuncts. There are other serious questions which affect the health, efficiency and welfare of the nation, such as malaria, typhoid fever, and general rural sanitation, child hygiene, and industrial diseases, which can be met Clomipramine Anafranil efficiently by a cooperation of the Federal, state and local authorities. It will be well to consider the main Federal governmental agency interested in and responsible for disease prevention in the United States and its relation to state Clomipramine Hydrochloride Tablets and local agencies. The United States Public Health Service has been Iniilt up on the old Marine Hospital Service. For over a hundred years it has been growing. Dur- ing that time Congress has imposed one duty after another until now it practically has all of the author- ity of law to protect the health of the Clomipramine Hydrochloride nation which under the Constitution can be granted Clomipramine Ocd to any Federal agency. If it had annual appropriations commen- surate with the authority granted, the country could expect dividend returns in the way of disease pre- vention that would be astounding. Even now it has an organization and funds which are the equal of any national health agency in the world. Begin- ning in 1798 with a fund obtained by assessing each sailor of our merchant marine twenty cents a month, it will spend this fiscal year for health work over $2,400,000 in addition to over $17,000,000 on its hospital relief work for the War Risk Insurance patients and other beneficiaries of the Service. During the war the President Buy Clomipramine Online constituted the Service a part of the military forces and its Clomipramine For Ocd war record is one achievement to be proud of. It de- tailed officers to the Army and Navy, maintained sanitary zones about the camps and cantonments of the Army and had supervision over the health of many large war industries. Within the boundaries of the camps themselves the Army health authorities were responsible for proper hygienic conditions. In the extracanton- ment zones the Public Health Service, in cooperation with State and local health authorities, was re- sponsible. Aided by funds from the American Red Cross and local authorities, the Public Health Serv- ice established complete health organizations in fifty-one extracantonment zones. In all, the Public Health Service expended $1,201,909, the American October 23, 192D.] CUMMIXG: NATIONAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. 611 Red Cross $507,000, and the States and local au- thorities, $650,000. The civil population protected ])>• these organizations was approximately three and tiiree quarter million persons, in addition to the jiiilitary population. It is not possible in a paper of this kind to enu- merate all of the work done, but to illustrate : Two thousand five hundred miles of ditches were dug and 1,200 square miles of swamp territory Buy Clomipramine drained, and an antimosquito zone — one mile Clomipramine 25mg Clomipramine Tablets in width — was established around each camp. It is a well known fact that malaria, which was a serious potential Clomipramine 50mg ■disability factor about many of these camps, was practically eliminated from Clomipramine 10 Mg the soldier population, and only 3,160 cases were Clomipramine 20mg reported to the Public Health Service during the malaria season of 1918 among the civil population of three and three quar- ter million, a rate of eighty-three in 100,000. From such data as were obtainable for previous years this was a tremendous reduction in the malarial rate in these communities. These results may well

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