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Child, Jr., of New York, said that in his series celebrex mg of cases the average period of sterility was tliree and one half years. In one case of seven years' duration the patient was cured in ten months. The average time from operation to the birth of the first child was 15.3 months, while seven patients gave birth within one year after operation. Seven of these patients were unconditionally sterile, due to tubal occlusion, and these subsequently bore eight chil- dren, who owed their appearance in the world abso- lutely to conservative surgery. These eleven women operated upon had, to date, borne sixteen living children, and eight were still in the child- bearing period. Such results as had been obtained in these cases should go far towards creating in the surgeon added respect for the art he practised, and a firmer belief in the value of conservative gynecology. Errors in Gynecological Diagnosis Due to Misplaced Organs. — Dr. Reuben Peterson, of Ann Arbor, Mich., drew the following conclusions : 1. Mistakes in gynecological diagnosis arising from misplaced organs are not uncommon, as shown by the literature in celebrex 100 which only a small proportion of such mistakes is probably recorded. 2. Such errors in diagnosis arise from either carelessness, or pre- conceived ideas of diagnosis whereby important facts celebrex 100mg in the history and equally important physical findings are either overlooked or ignored. 3. Such diagnostic errors can be averted celebrex buy by greater care in systematically considering with a free mind the facts in the case relating to the history and physical findings provided celecoxib celebrex the latter are obtained through the employment of the most modern methods of exami- nation. 4. In every case a preoperative diagnosis should be made and recorded in order to profit by mistakes revealed at the operation or autopsy. The Gynecological Problem in Industrial Medicine. — 200 celebrex Dr. H.\rry celebrex price E. Mock, of Chicago, cost of celebrex said that the scope of cost celebrex industrial medicine involved the supervision of the health of employees in industrv and other problems connected with the factor of human maintenance. It included the prevention of diseases and accidents ; the constant supervision of the physical conditions of the employees by medical examinations and frequent conferences; adequate medical and surgical care; industrial sanitation, and 200mg celebrex nursing service. Comprehensive medical systems had been installed in a great many of the large in- dustrial plants of the country. Where women were employed, this health supervision had given a great celebrex purchase opportunity to study many gynecological problems, and their efifect upon the efficiency and desirability of women employees in industry. A common cause for absenteeism among women workers was dysmen- orrhea. Personal observations of this condition among several thousand women employees in a large industry were given extending over a period of sev- eral years. Other gynecological problems met in industry included the frequency of venereal diseases among women employees where complete medical examinations of women were made ; the frequency of pregnancy among girl workers and how this problem should be met ; the efifect celebrex coupon of dress, diet, and habits upon the health and efficiency of women workers; the need of convalescent homes in large cities for the women workers. Industrial medicine presented a wonderful opportunity for studying certain medicosociological problems as related to the large group of employees. The Treatment of Suppurating Wounds Fol- lowing Abdominal Section. — Dr. Thomas J. Watkins, of Chicago, said that no sutures were removed on account of suppuration celebrex coupons except when they cut deeply 200 mg celebrex into the tissues, and no drains were inserted. No probing was permitted. Moist boric acid dressings were placed over the wound as soon as signs of suppuration appeared and were contin- uously applied until excessive redness disappeared. The moist dressings were used to keep the wound secretions from desiccating, thus promoting drain- age. Experience had shown that a large amount of drainage would take place through very small open- ings when thus treated, that the drainage would be efficient, and that the suppurating what is celebrex surfaces, by vir- tue of atmospheric and intraabdominal pressure, would keep in relative apposition. The author had used this treatment for about fifteen years and had found that the wounds healed celebrex online quickly, that the treatment was painless, that the patient was not unnecessarily disturbed mentally, and that the ultimate strength of the abdominal wall was seldom injured by the suppuration. When the discharge ceased no open wound remained to heal by granulation. Antiseptic solutions were not emplo)-ed as they injured the tissues more than they harmed the bacteria. Irrigations, drains and the like did much damage to the delicate tissue re- pair celebrex celebrex which was present in the coupon for celebrex healing wounds. Photographs were presented of wounds which had suppurated and showed no evidence that there had coupons for celebrex been any suppuration. It was not uncommon for patients who had had suppurating wounds to re- cover entirely, and leave the hospital at the end of the third week after operation.

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