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Jackson (Archives of Ophthalmology, May, 1920) says that the capsule of the crystalline lens can Cardura Vs Flomax rarely cause any serious impairment of vision when left in situ after the extraction of senile cataract. Even the epithelium lining the anterior capsule is not a source of danger in this connection in .senile eyes. Aftercataract is in most cases essentially composed of tissue developed from fibroblasts which reach the capsule during a period of inflam- mation following cataract extraction ; .such inflam- mation being especially favored by the presence of lens substance within the eye and Cardura 10 Mg outside the lens capsule. Peripheral linear capsulotomy guards against the danger of such damage from the pres- ence of lens substance in the anterior chamber quite as well as Cardura E10p the more difficult and formidable opera- tion of intracapsular extraction. Foreign Body of Cardura N10 Dental Origin in a Bronchus. — Carl Arthi:r Hedblom (Annals of Surgery, May, 1920) presents the following conclusions : 1, As- piration infection of the lungs is most common in Cheap Cardura operations about the mouth following general an- esthesia. 2, Symptoms may be immediate and con- tinuous or there may be an intervening symptom- less period of months or years. There may be n» immediate symptoms. 3, The most constant and characteristic immediate Order Cardura symptoms are cough, dys- pnea, wheezy respiration, and pain in the chest. The late symptoms in varying number and degree are those of pulmonary suppuration. 4, LalK symp- toms of foreign body infection often simulate phthi- sis, and that is the diagnosis often made. 5. Posi- tive diagnosis rests essentially on history taking, x ray, and bronchoscopy. The history may be that of having swallowed the foreign body. 6, Bron- choscopy for diagnosis is indicated in any early doubtful case. 7, Spontaneous expulsion of small, irregular foreign bodies of high specific gravity, es- specially teeth, is always doubtful. Spontaneous expulsion often occurs Buy Cardura Online only after an abscess has formed. 8, Bronchoscopy is the only treatment to be considered in early uncomplicated cases. In cases in which there is suppuration, thoracotomy for drainage gives the best results. 9, In fatal cases death is usually due to abscess, bronchiectasis, or gangrene of the lung, any of which may be compli- cated by empyema. 10, Tuberculosis may coexist with a suppurative orocess. October 16, 1O20.1 MISCELLAWY FROM HOME AXD FOREICX JOURXALS. 605 Torsion of the Left Testicle Followed by Gan- grene of the Testicle and Epididymis. — R. E. Powell ( Canadian Medical Association Journal, June, 1920) reports the case of a young man in whom, after violent gjannastic exercise, acute pain and swelling appeared within the scrotum and simulated acute epididymitis. At operation there was found torsion of the left testicle with strangu- lation of the vessels of the spennatic cord, which had led to gangrene of the testicle and epididymis. Castration was done and the jiatient recovered. Effect of Therapeutic Doses of Mercury on the Kidneys and Cardura 1 Mg the Duration of Its Excretion. — L. G. Beinhauer (Anicrican Journal of the Medical Sciences, June, 1920) says that the excretion of calomel in ordinary therapeutic doses .begins within six to twelve hours and is continued until the sixth day, depending on the size of the dose. A small dose is excreted as rapidK^ as Cardura Classification a larger one, but over a shorter period of time. In so far as could be determined by the urine analysis the drug is excreted without bad Cardura For Bph effects upon the kidney. Method of Performing External Urethrotomy Without a Guide. — G. R. Livermore (Urological and Cutaneous Reviciv, May, 1920) describes his method in great detail, and Cardura E10p Msds then concludes that for those who do not thoroughh' understand the steps of an external urethrotomy without a guide, or in cases in which there is so much scar Cardura Online tissue that a sound cannot be introduced to the face of the stric- ture, it is safer for the patient and much easier for the Cardura E10 operator to do a preliminary suprapubic cy.sto- tumy and Cardura Bph retrograde Cardura 6 Mg catheterization, thus locating the urethra behind the stricture and Purchase Cardura converting an intricate operation into a very simple one. An Unusually Large Cyst of the Epididymis. — .-Vbr. L. W'olliarst ( Urological and Cutaneous Rc- tnew. May, 1920) reports Cardura Tablets a case with these inter- esting features : The cyst was evidently purely re- tention in character, arising in Cardura Generic Name all probability from a dilatation of a seminal tubule due to some obstruc- tion in the vas deferens or some other portion of the excretory passages ; it was unusually large in size — almost as ' large as a hen's egg ; the Flomax Vs Cardura blood

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