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terior valves of the vocal cords, contrasting who makes generic buspar by its color with the swollen posterior valves. There was slight enlargement of the glands below the angle of the jaw. Swabbing of the buspar 10mg pills cords showed that the material was actually pseudomenibrane and not do you need a prescription for buspar merely white adherent mucus. No Klebs-Loeffler bacilli could generic buspar price be found, but staphylococci were pres- ent. This patient never exhibited dyspnea nor signs of pseudomembranous bronchitis. He seemed but little inconvenienced and insisted upon leaving the hospital before the pseudomembrane had disap- peared. Rendu notes that acute nondiphtheritic pseudomembranous laryngitis has been recognized since 1890 but occurs characteristically in children, with average cost buspar practically the same clinical signs as laryngeal diphtheria, and is even more serious than the latter owing to its tendency to extend downward to the entire bronchial tree. Prophylaxis Against Infectious Diseases in the Macedonian Campaign. — Armand-Dclille, Le- maire, and Paisseau (BuUctui dc V Academic dc mcdccine, April 6, 1920) describe the results of the activities of the International Commission on Hy- giene, originally created in buspar 30 mg high 1915 by Major General Macpherson in Salonica. Although in the case of dysentery and malaria the efTorts put 45 mg buspar forth came too late to do much good, the severe epidemic affec- tions, such as plague, cholera, and typhus, were so controlled that the buspar 15 mg high damage done was far less than buspar 15 mg in other armies on the Eastern front during the same campaign. As regards cholera, all the troops were systematically vaccinated, either with vaccine from buspar 10mg high the Institut Pasteur as in the French, Serbian and Greek armies or with Castellani's vaccine, as in the British army. No case of cholera developed among these armies, although a large focus of infection occurred at Kor- itza in the zone of occupation. Systematic vacci- nation of 10,000 natives was likewise carried out, rapidly arresting the epidemic. In the case of plague, a service for rat destruction and bacterio- logical study was set up at the French base, and succeeded in localizing the foci of infection, both at Salonica and ilytilene. Relapsing fever appeared in a rather extensive epidemic form in the native population and Greek army. Strict delousing meas- ures prevented the spread of the disease to the Al- lied armies, among which only a few isolated cases developed. The measures against typhus fever in- cluded systematic delousing of the entire Serbian army brought over from Corfu. A similar service was established in the Russian brigade, in which a few fatal cases had occurred. A Case of Meningoencephalitis Lethargica. — ■ William \V. Hala and Cyril M. Smith {Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, Februar\-, 1920) report a case, clinically diagnosed as encephalitis lethargica, verified by observations antemortem and postmortem. From the clinical viewpoint the author's case was one of meningoencephalitis, with lethargy and involvement of the motor much does buspar cost without insurance fibres of the third, sixth, seventh, tenth and twelfth cranial nerves. The etiological cause was a gram negative motile bacillus, unidentified, but probably belonging buspar generic problems to some intermediate class of colon-tj-phoid-enter- itidis group. Pathologically, the lesion demon- strated septic meningoencephalitis and ependj-mitis, with punctate hemorrhages and perivascular cell in- filtration of the centrum buspar 10mg tab ovalve, corpus striatum and optic thalamus. Disseminated Sclerosis due to Shell Concussion. — Ducamp and Milhaud {Prcsse mcdicalc, May 5, 1920) report the case of a man who was tempor- arily buried by the explosion of a mincnwcrfcr, remained deaf for two days, and then resumed his military service. One year later he felt pain in the left lower extremity, sometimes of lightninglike character, which came buspar 15 mg twice day on with fatigue and passed oft with rest. Later paralysis of the right arm and leg appeared, together with sphincter disturbances. Vision was impaired for a time. The paralysis was later partly recovered where can i buy buspar online from, buspar 10 mg three times day but the patient, on detailed examination, showed the various disorders of locomotion, motility of the upper limbs, reflex action, vision, sensation, voice and sphincters char- acteristic of disseminated sclerosis. A number of more or less similar cases have been recorded by other observers. The long delay between the trauma and the appearance of symptoms is ascribed to the gradual development of the central nervous lesions from the original capillar^- hemorrhages pro- duced b\- the former in the nerve tissues. The Tenue Phase of Plasmodium Vivax. — A. J. Chalmers and buspar generic buspirone R. G. Archibald {Journal of Tropical Medicine and buspar available generic Hygiene, February 2, 1920) report a case of malaria in a British soldier, caused by two generations of plasmodium vivax, the para- site of simple tertian malaria. The patient's blood showed parasites in the peculiar tenue phase, which the authors believe to represent an attempt at asex- ual reproduction buspar cost australia by fission, both simple and multiple In one of the illustrations two parasitic rings are shown, joined by a narrow loop of protoplasm, but with only one ring provided with chromatin. Fur-

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