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What is this selfhealth? A state of satisfactory well being, independent of particular surroundings. It radiates health to others. It means self mastery, increasing intelligence. Frequently repeated deep and full breathing, simple exercises, water sipping. the avoidance of worry, the cultivation of happi- ness will all help. Read the chapters on Bupropion Online Economy and Rest, Position and Expression, Better Breath- ing, Balanced Diets, Exercise, Hobbies, Buy Bupropion Online Mainly About Helping Others. Every suggestion is good and will not make one faddy or abnormally self- conscious. No expense is involved, rather less for the ordinary person, but Mr. Miles imagines a co- operation from restaurateurs, landlords, and employ- ers which does not exist. His dietary plan, when well carried out and unstinted, is capital. But send the homeless man to a pure food restaurant and he comes away not half satisfied. With a meat order, however Buy Cheap Bupropion small, he gets five cents knocked oiT soup, roll and butter for nothing, and at least one vegetable. Possibly tea or coft'e is five cents cheaper also. Now at the pure food place, Purchase Bupropion soup is fifteen cents, bread and butter are charged for, salad — one wilted lettuce leaf and two slices of tomato — is ten or fifteen cents, one tablespoonful of any vegetable or fruit is priced the same, and a dish — eggs, macaroni, curry — Buy Bupropion from the menu is twenty- five to Bupron Sr Tablets forty cents, and they are so digestible that he i,s hungry again three hours later, not being able to afford enough. Then life in a rooming house — the stufTy bed- room, his sitting room the streets or parks, no in- clination to exercise after a ride on crowded car or Order Bupropion Online a long day's work, the daily bath with a queue at the rooming house waiting to get in, the Cheap Bupropion sip- ping of water with none save that down three flights of stairs, and a smudgy jam glass to drink from. I am not depreciating the author's advice, but simply putting in a plea for those seemingly obstinate people who do not follow his advice. The book is very reasonable and holds nothing to make a man a fidgety nuisance or to behave as though he was the only one to possess a stomach. OSCAR Purchase Bupropion Online WILDE. A Critic in Pall Mall. By Oscar Wilde. Reviews and Miscellanies. New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. vi-290. To judge fairly of an author's book it should first be judged as a book and the impression it creates without also judging the author. Then, in ex- tenuation of faults, his life, education, peculiar cir- cumstances should be weighed and his condemna- tion pronounced only when he has wilfully and plainly, not given his best, or when he has treated his readers discourteously by giving them illdressed untruths in an attempt to be witty. Taking then this little book without regard to its author : "The reviewer unconsciously gave not only the hour he could have spared, but another two, which proved pleasant reading. Among the best of the reviews is Aristotle at Afternoon Tea and Some Literary Ladies. Yates, Swinburne and Henley come in for some rather severe criticism. Of Swin- burne it has been said he was a master Generic Bupropion of language, rather, language was his master. Words dominated him, alliteration tyrannizes over him." There are some amusing accounts of Mr. Rawnsley Buy Bupron Sr trying to get intimate details of Wordsworth from the farm folk in Westmoreland. "He wrote potry because he couldn't help it. He was not a man as folks could crack wi', nor not a man as could crack wi' folks." \\'ilde has high praise for William Morris's trans- lation of the Odyssey and for Walter Pater's Ap- # prcciations, which he says is "an exquisite collection of exquisite essays, of delicately wrought works of art." The Scntcnticr at the end of the book are wholesome without hurting, as good scarcasm should be. Satire should, like polished razor keen. Wound with a touch that's neither felt nor seen. And the book is worth being accorded a companion- ship in our life because the author has given of his best and it is good. Miscellany from Home and Foreign Journals Nondiphtheritic Pseudomembranous Laryngi- tis. — R. Rendue {Lyon medical. March 25, 1920) reports the case of a man aged thirty-two 3-ears admitted to a hospital for what appeared to be an ordinary laryngotracheal bronchitis, with Order Bupropion slight fever, some hoarseness, cough, and a few rhonchi and sibilant sounds. Two weeks later the patient had improved, but was still hoarse. Laryngoscopy showed a cream}-, white false membrane on the an-

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