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ed about as often as was examination of the teeth, but for twice as many cases of malnutrition as of chronic order arcoxia online rheumatism. The conditions receiving the largest proportions of throat examinations were : malnutrition, 20 per cent. ; nephritis, 18.6 arcoxia cost per cent. : chronic arcoxia tablets heart lesions, 16.6 per cent. ; bronchitis, 14.4 per cent.; rheumatism, 10 per cent.; otitis media. 8.2 per cent. purchase arcoxia online ; rachitis, 7 per cent., and syphilis, 6.7 per cent. Tongue. — order arcoxia The condition of the buy cheap arcoxia tongue was noted most often for the disease treated in the general buy arcoxia online medical and neurological departments. This infor- mation was noted for chronic nephritis in 7.8 per cent, of instances; for syphilis of the nervous sys- tem in 7.2 per cent. ; for heart lesions in 5.5 per cent. ; for bronchitis in 5.3 per cent. ; for epilepsy in 4.8 per cent., and for malnutrition in 4.7 per cent, of cases. Temperature. — Temperature was arcoxia mg recorded for a larger number of cases of malnutrition (27.6 per cent. ) than of any other condition. This item was also recorded on the histories of heart lesions in 26.4 per cent, of instances ; for chronic arcoxia online nephritis in 20.5 per cent. ; for bronchitis in 16.6 per cent. : for rachitis in 15.8 per cent, and for rheumatism in 14 per cent, of instances. Pulse. — Pulse was noted for cases of heart le- sion in a larger proportion of instances (35.6 per cent.) than for any other disease. This itein was recorded, however, for 19.7 per cent, of cases of nephritis ; for 14 arcoxia 90mg per cent, of cases of rheumatism : for 8.6 per cent, of cases of malnutrition, and for 7.7 per cent, of those of bronchitis. Respiration. etoricoxib 60 mg — Respiration was noted for only six of the various conditions studied ; 23.5 per cent, of cases of chronic nephritis ; purchase arcoxia 22 per cent, of chronic valvular heart lesion ; 4.9 per cent, of bronchitis : 3.8 per cent, of malnutrition; 2.6 per cent, of chronic rheumatism, and .4 per cent, of eczema. U'eiaht. — Weight was recorded for onlj' seven of the different conditions studied, as follows : 16 per cent, of cases of malnutrition ; 12.7 per cent, of nephritis ; 8.9 per cent, of rheumatism ; 7.7 per cent, arcoxia price of heart lesions; generic arcoxia 5.1 per cent, of gastric ulcer; 3.8 per cent, of bronchitis, and .5 per cent, of syphilis. The instance last noted was the only case where weight has found recorded outside of the general medical and pediatric departments. Blood pressure. — Blood pressure was never found recorded, except in the general medical and pediatric departments, and for only a small percentage of 592 OUTPATIENT MEDICAL WORK. [New York Jedical Journal. the diseases treated in these departments, with the exception of nephritis, tor which this procedure was noted buy etoricoxib in 17.8 per cent, of in.stances; rheuma- tism, for which it was stated for 7.3 per cent, and heart lesions, for 5 per cent, of instances. General physical examination. — By far the more ade(|uate general physical examinations were re- corded in the general medical, pediatric, and neu- rological departments, which, as has been empha- sized heretofore, etoricoxib arcoxia treat conditions systemic in na- ture. \'efy little physical examination was noted on the histories from the surgical departments, or for gonorrhea, whether treated in gynecological or genitourinary departments. The eye, ear, etoricoxib tablets nose and throat departments also had little record of physical examination, except of the special senses. Of all the items of physical examination stated for the various diseases studied, examination of the heart was recorded for etoricoxib msd the largest proportion, 20.8 per cent, of all the cases. The lungs, also, were ex- amined in a relativel}- high proportion of all cases, 18.3 per cent. ; the abdomen in 12.6 per cent., the skin in 10.7 per cent., and the special senses in 10.4 per cent, of instances. All other divisions of physical examination were recorded for less than 10 per cent, of cases: temperature; pulse; examination of teeth, throat, genitourinary tract, muscles and bones, nervous system, all for between five and ten per cent, of patients whose histories buy arcoxia were analyzed ; while examinations of tongue, glands, weight, blood pressure and respiration were recorded for less than four per cent, of cases. Of all the conditions studied gonorrhea, as indi-

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